Workshop on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (20-22/2/2019)

/Workshop on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (20-22/2/2019)

Workshop on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (20-22/2/2019)

The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO organized, in partnership with UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut, the first training workshop on “The Implementation of the 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage” on February 20-22, 2019 at Grand Hills Hotel – Broumana. The 3-day workshop brought together representatives from different ministries (Culture, Education, Tourism and Social Affairs), institutions (Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, Directorate General of Antiquities, Center for Educational Research and Development, L’artisan du Liban, and Imam Sadr Foundation), universities (Lebanese University, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, and Saint Joseph University), as well as NGOs (Cross Arts Cultural Association) involved in the safeguarding of ICH.

The training workshop, animated by Dr. Annie Tohme from Lebanon, and Dr. Hani Hayajneh from Jordan, Consultants and accredited UNESCO Facilitators, is part of the project “Strengthening capacities for the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention of the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Lebanon”, designed by UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut, with the aim of providing technical assistance to enable: the integration of the safeguarding of ICH into plans, policies and programmes; the utilization of the strengthened institutional and human resources, from government, civil society and communities, for the effective safeguarding of ICH; Lebanon’s active participation in the Convention’s mechanisms for international cooperation, including preparing International Assistance requests or nominations to the Lists; and the creation of a national network of trainers to respond to capacity-building needs at national and decentralized levels.

In the opening session, the Minister of Culture, Dr. Mohammad Daoud, stressed on the importance of acquiring the institutional and human capacity needed to safeguard Lebanon’s rich intangible cultural heritage.

Dr. Tala Zein, Secretary General of the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, reiterated the National Commission’s commitment to work with the Ministry of Culture and UNESCO Beirut to safeguard and promote Lebanon’s intangible cultural heritage: “As Lebanese, it is our duty, to promote our intangible heritage in its various forms, and strive to have our cultural practices inscribed on the Convention’s Lists, just like Al-Zajal declaimed or sung poetry was inscribed in 2014”.

In his speech, Dr. Hamed al Hammami, Director of UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut, noted that the preservation of intangible heritage is not a luxury but is necessary for an effective response to contemporary challenges, adding that education on ICH should be incorporated in school curricula to make education more relevant to students, while consolidating feelings of belonging and national identity, and promoting the values of mutual understanding and respect for cultural diversity.

Programme Specialist of the Culture sector at UNESCO Beirut, Mr. Joseph Kreidi, highlighted that intangible cultural heritage, and culture in general, are constantly changing and evolving, getting richer with each new generation. Many forms of expression and manifestations of intangible cultural heritage are threatened and endangered by globalization and by lack of support and appreciation. If intangible cultural heritage is not adequately cared for and safeguarded, it may be at risk of being lost forever and becoming a vestige of the past. Hence, the safeguarding of ICH and its transmission to future generations is one of UNESCO’s top priorities.

During the 3-day workshop, participants were introduced to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and to the important obligations of State Parties, and they acquired in-depth knowledge of the Convention’s key concepts, safeguarding measures inventorying-making, and tools for the development of policy and legislation.

The opening and closing ceremonies included live performances by internationally acclaimed Lebanese artist Nasser Nakhoul, and storyteller Barrak Sabih (from Cross Arts Cultural Association – Tripoli), who both embody Lebanon’s ICH. At the closing ceremony, participants were awarded certificates.


By |2020-01-07T08:56:18+00:00February 25th, 2019|GENERAL ACTIVITIES, Programs News|Comments Off on Workshop on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (20-22/2/2019)