Media Education in Times of Crisis (10/6/2021)

/Media Education in Times of Crisis (10/6/2021)

Media Education in Times of Crisis (10/6/2021)

Workshop for Journalists

The Lebanese National Commission concluded the series of workshops organized in collaboration with the Francophone Association of Journalism (AFEJ), in the framework of the “Media Education in Times of Crisis” Project, with a last workshop targeting professional journalists on Thursday 10 June at the Radisson Blu Hotel – Verdun.

The project was elaborated and granted emergency assistance through UNESCO Participation Programme, following the horrific Beirut Blast on August 4, 2020, and in response to the accompanying media context which included a lot of violence, hate speech, disinformation and the spread of fake news, all of which were traumatic for individuals and destabilizing for society in general. Hence, the workshops aim at developing critical thinking and an active processing of information not just passive reception of that information to detect fake news, as well as developing journalistic skills.




By |2022-03-30T09:40:41+00:00June 11th, 2021|GENERAL ACTIVITIES, Programs News|Comments Off on Media Education in Times of Crisis (10/6/2021)