“Learning with Intangible Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future” (29/11/2019)

/“Learning with Intangible Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future” (29/11/2019)

“Learning with Intangible Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future” (29/11/2019)

Workshop for educational experts and trainers at the Department of Guidance and Counseling within the General Directorate of Education and UNESCO Associated Schools principals and teachers

The Lebanese National Commission and UNESCO Beirut Office organized the second workshop in the series, on November 29, 2019 at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

The workshop moderated by Dr. Annie Tabet, Member of UNESCO Global Network of Facilitators, was addressed to educational experts and trainers at the Department of Guidance and Counseling within the General Directorate of Education, as well as UNESCO Associated school principals and teachers, and aimed at introducing the 2003 ICH Convention and its key concepts, and the methodology adopted by 4 Lebanese schools in integrating ICH elements in school subjects and through extracurricular activities.

Speeches were given by the Director of DOPS (Counseling and Guidance Department at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education) Ms. Hilda El Khoury, by UNESCO Beirut’s Programme Specialist for Culture, Mr. Joe Kreidi, and the Secretary General Dr. Tala Zein, in the presence of members of the Lebanese National Commission Prof. Thérèse El Hachem, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Lebanese University and Dr. Elham Komaty, expert in educational planning.

In her speech, the Secretary General praised the continuous collaboration with UNESCO Beirut Office, expert Dr. Annie Tabet, associated schools, the Center for Educational Research and Development (CERD), and the Ministry of Education to cultivate and reinforce the idea of learning with intangible cultural heritage. She noted that following the success of the pilot project implemented with four schools in Saida and Jezzine, the aim is now to replicate the experience and positive results with a larger number of schools and participants.


By |2020-12-18T06:25:43+00:00December 2nd, 2019|GENERAL ACTIVITIES, Programs News|Comments Off on “Learning with Intangible Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future” (29/11/2019)