‎“Let’s Read Together and Learn about Our Rights”

/‎“Let’s Read Together and Learn about Our Rights”

‎“Let’s Read Together and Learn about Our Rights”

‎“Let’s Read Together and Learn about Our Rights” are a series of reading and writing workshops for students from grades 5 and 6, launched by the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO and Chloé Maria Kreidi Association, in order to promote the culture of spreading knowledge, the importance of reading as well as to support public libraries in different Lebanese regions: Amioun (12/1/2019), Mansoura (19/1/2019), Mtein (21/1/2019), Bikfaya (13/2/2019), Ansar (19/2/2019), and Saida (28/2/2019).

The workshops were animated by renowned Lebanese writers: Eva Kozma, Jinan Hashash, Fatima Sharafeddine, Sanaa Shabbani, Doniazad El Saadi, and Samar Mahfouz, around the publication “Colorful Stories, I have the right to”.

The main objectives were to:

  • Encourage students in public and private schools to read and write in Arabic.
  • Learn about the children’s rights through analyzing the characters of the story.
  • Encourage students to write a short story in Arabic about a right of their choice.
  • Collect the students’ works and compile them in a booklet to be printed and distributed to all schools.
  • The best 3 short stories will be selected by a jury based on specific criteria.



By |2020-01-10T12:09:23+00:00February 28th, 2019|GENERAL ACTIVITIES|Comments Off on ‎“Let’s Read Together and Learn about Our Rights”