Dardacha Talks – for Science Detox

/Dardacha Talks – for Science Detox

Dardacha Talks – for Science Detox

The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO partnered with the National Observatory for Women in Research – DAWReK’n (Dynamic Actions for Women in Research and Knowledge), and  the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L) to organize “Dardacha Talks – for Science Detox” in various Lebanese universities.

Launched by DAWReK’n, “Dardacha Talks” is a new format for research storytelling with a Lebanese twist, during which Lebanese female scientists from various disciplines and institutions take the challenge of popularizing their research, using only five slides, and in the language of their choice.

Two “Dardacha Talks” have been organized so far: at Saint Joseph University of Beirut on June 13, 2019, and at Beirut Arab University on October 14, 2019.


By |2020-01-10T11:35:48+00:00October 14th, 2019|GENERAL ACTIVITIES, Programs News|Comments Off on Dardacha Talks – for Science Detox