“Preparation of Nomination Files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention” (27-29/2/2020)

/“Preparation of Nomination Files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention” (27-29/2/2020)

“Preparation of Nomination Files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention” (27-29/2/2020)

In the framework of the project “Strengthening capacities for the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention of the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Lebanon”,  funded by Japan Fund In Trust, and designed to strengthen the human and institutional resources involved in the safeguarding of ICH, the Lebanese National Commission and UNESCO Beirut Office organized on 27-29 February 2020 a capacity-building workshop on the preparation of nominations for the lists of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, at Grand Hills Hotel in Broumana.

The workshop, moderated by Dr. Annie Tohme Tabet and Dr. Hani Hayajneh, both members of UNESCO Global Network of Facilitators, brought together 25 participants from various backgrounds: representatives from the Ministries of Culture, Education and Tourism, the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, the Directorate General of Antiquities the Center for Educational Research and Development, Imam Sadr Foundation, the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, and civil society and community bearers (Biladi and Cross Arts Cultural Association), who have been involved in the trainings on the community-based inventorying and the training of elaboration of the safeguarding plans.

The first part of the training was dedicated to introducing participants to the 2003 Convention and developing their skills to participate in the preparation of nomination files for the Representative List and the Urgent Safeguarding List. The second part of the training aimed to build capacities of participants to make use of the International Assistance mechanisms under the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund by preparing requests that can reliably be expected to lead to successful projects for safeguarding ICH.

The sessions, structured around experts’ presentations and interactive discussions, provided a platform for participants to share experiences and to network with each other.


By |2020-12-18T06:23:45+00:00March 2nd, 2020|GENERAL ACTIVITIES, Programs News|Comments Off on “Preparation of Nomination Files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention” (27-29/2/2020)