Building Bridges, Shaping Careers: A Journey with Career Bridge

/Building Bridges, Shaping Careers: A Journey with Career Bridge

Building Bridges, Shaping Careers: A Journey with Career Bridge

Career Bridge program is designed to serve as a bridge between education and the professional world, offering invaluable guidance to students in their journey towards choosing a career that aligns with their unique personalities.

At its core, Career Bridge program aims to empower young individuals, especially recent graduates, with the essential skills, knowledge, and support necessary for them to succeed in their careers and to lead fulfilling personal lives. It acknowledges the inherent challenges in transitioning from school to university, and subsequently from academia to the dynamic job market. This transition often poses hurdles due to the absence of certain critical skills and experiences that are pivotal for making informed career choices and achieving professional success.

In this context, Career Bridge acts as a vital stepping stone, bridging the gap between academic and professional life. By bridging this gap, the program equips individuals with the tools and readiness they require to navigate the complexity of the professional world.

Go Through the Change – Evolve from a Caterpillar into a Butterfly:

In May, Career Bridge program organized three impactful in-person sessions, drawing the participation of 41 enthusiastic individuals. The sessions covered a diverse array of topics, including change management, effective communication, leadership, and strategies for coping with pressure. The success of these sessions was evident as participants actively engaged, fostering an enriching and collaborative learning environment.

Results and Impact:

The outcomes of these actions were transformative, both for individuals and the communities they belonged to. Participants of the Career Bridge program reported heightened confidence in navigating the professional landscape. The acquisition of practical soft skills and exposure to diverse career paths enabled them to approach job opportunities with a newfound sense of readiness.

On a community level, the program contributed to a more empowered and skilled workforce, fostering economic development and bolstering the community’s overall resilience. The ripple effect of this empowerment extended beyond individual success stories, creating a positive impact on the community’s socio-economic fabric. Career Bridge resulted in 276 registrants in Career Bridge programs between February and June 2023 and 548 between July and December 2023. Additionally, 22 individuals got employed due to the intervention of Career Bridge program.


Through the implementation of the Career Bridge program, key learnings emerged regarding the importance of tailored support during critical life transitions. The program highlighted that successful career navigation is a holistic endeavor, requiring a combination of academic knowledge, practical skills, and mentorship. The individualized approach to career counseling and CV writing highlighted the value of recognizing and nurturing the unique strengths and aspirations of each participant.

Additionally, the program’s success reinforced the understanding that addressing educational and professional disparities requires a context-aware strategy.

In essence, Career Bridge program not only bridged the gap between education and the professional world but also served as a beacon of empowerment, showcasing the transformative potential of strategic interventions in career development within a broader societal context.

Beneficiary story:

In the midst of personal adversity, the transformative impact of the Career Bridge program on an individual’s life resonates far beyond the confines of personal triumph. A participant, whose life took an unexpected turn after a debilitating car accident, found solace and renewed purpose through the program. Unable to walk and undergoing physiotherapy, the individual battled feelings of despair. “I discovered Career Bridge and it changed my life. It gave me confidence in myself and a push that life goes on no matter what and that even if I couldn’t walk properly, I could still be productive”, Majida Rifai.

This individual’s story reflects the broader impact of the Career Bridge initiative within the community and the country at large. Michel Daher Social Foundation’s exceptional efforts, displayed amid Lebanon’s challenging circumstances, are a testament to resilience and hope. The foundation’s commitment to supporting individuals facing adversity extends beyond personal challenges to contribute to the larger narrative of progress amidst a challenging environment.

The training sessions provided by Career Bridge served as not only a source of valuable information but also a platform for fostering solidarity among participants. The program’s impact reached beyond imparting practical skills, instilling a sense of motivation and determination in individuals facing various challenges. The individual’s gratitude extends to the foundation’s continuous dedication, recognizing the lasting impact on self-motivation and the collective desire for progress and success within the community.

As this personal journey unfolds within the broader canvas of societal transformation, Michel Daher Social Foundation’s commitment to dynamic and effective assistance emerges as a catalyst for positive change. The individual’s expression of thanks is not only a personal acknowledgment but a testament to the foundation’s role in shaping a community where inspiration, dedication, and resilience become driving forces for progress. The anticipation of future events and training sessions underscores the community’s confidence in the foundation’s continued positive impact, shaping a collective narrative of hope, progress, and empowerment.


By |2024-01-05T06:39:59+00:00November 5th, 2023|ALF LEBANESE NETWORK, ALF Network Activities, Programs News|Comments Off on Building Bridges, Shaping Careers: A Journey with Career Bridge