Working Together for the Development of our Society (7-8/12/2018)

/Working Together for the Development of our Society (7-8/12/2018)

Working Together for the Development of our Society (7-8/12/2018)

The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCOorganized, in collaborationwith the UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut, a workshop for members of Clubs for UNESCO on “Working Together for the Development of our Society” on 7-8 December 2018 at Our Lady of the Well Convent (Deir Saydet el Bir – Jal el Dib).

30 young men and women, members of Clubs for UNESCO and/or representatives of the following institutions, participated in the workshop: American University of Science and Technology (AUST) – Achrafieh and Zahle branches, Club for UNESCO – Nabatieh Social Service Committee, University of Balamand (UoB), Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL), Center for University Studies of Southern Lebanon – Saint Joseph University (USJ) – Saida, Hussein Massoud Public High School – Bchamoun, Institut Moderne du Liban – Father Michel Khalifa School – Fanar.

Following the opening speeches by Dr. Tala Zein, the Secretary General of the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, and Dr. Seiko Sugita, Programme specialist in social and human sciences at UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut, participants were trained on: the basis of volunteering by Dr. Patricia Nabti, President of Volunteer for Lebanon; leadership and teamwork by Dr. Ali Mourad, Law Professor at Beirut Arab University (BAU); deconstructing stereotypes and prejudices through communication to embrace diversity, by Ms. Tanya Awad Ghorra, Senior training on non-violent communication and conflict resolution; how to plan and implement sustainable community service projects by Ms. Sanaa Hassan, Vice-president of Volunteer for Lebanon; and youth participation in local governance by Dr. Mona Zoghbi, Specialist in sustainable development.

Then, the national coordinator of the Clubs for UNESCO, Ms. Christiane Jeitani, gave a presentation on UNESCO principles and mission, the Lebanese National Commission, and the Clubs for UNESCO.

This workshop was distinctive, in that, it brought together members of Clubs for UNESCO in both schools and universities, and included testimonies by the Vice-president of the Middle East region of the Arab Federation of Clubs for UNESCO, and President of Club for UNESCO – Nabatieh, Dr. Mostapha Badreddine, and by the young social entrepreneur and founder of the Cezar project for local development/ sustainable development, Mr. Cezar Mahmoud.

In order to put into practice the skills acquired during the workshop, each Club for UNESCO is expected to plan and implement a sustainable community service project during the National Youth Service Week celebrated between 6-14 April 2019.


By |2019-12-16T11:16:55+00:00February 6th, 2019|CLUBS FOR UNESCO|Comments Off on Working Together for the Development of our Society (7-8/12/2018)