Hate Speech and Media Information Literacy (March 2022)

/Hate Speech and Media Information Literacy (March 2022)

Hate Speech and Media Information Literacy (March 2022)

With the support of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the dialogue between cultures, the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO – as the Head of the ALF Lebanese Network – organized, in collaboration with Dawaer Foundation (member of the ALF Lebanese Network), an online training on Hate Speech and Media Information Literacy, targeting students and teachers from 3 ASPnet schools.

Taking the form of an interactive training with breakout rooms and group works, the activity, which was moderated by Sara Hteit from Dawaer Foundation, focused on enhancing the critical thinking of teachers and students, enabling them to analyze media messages, differentiate between true and fake news, detect and respond to hate speech.

Training for the two target groups was conducted separately, with 4 sessions for the students, and 2 for the teachers.

On one hand, students’ sessions covered the role of media and the impact of social media, how to detect fake news and prevent its spread, how to be aware of stereotypes and discrimination, and how to identify and combat hate speech.

On the other hand, teachers discussed the effects of media and fake news on an emotional and behavioral level, as well as discrimination and hate speech in their daily lives, notably in their schools, and in the news.

The participating schools were: Collège des Sœurs des Saints-Cœurs Bauchrieh, Al Hadi Institute for deaf, blind and learning disabilities, Collège Notre Dame des Sœurs Antonines Hazmieh – Jamhour and Moustafa Shomran High School.



By |2022-11-07T08:36:56+00:00March 18th, 2022|ALF LEBANESE NETWORK, ALF Network Activities, GENERAL ACTIVITIES, Programs News, UNESCO ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS NETWORK, UNESCO ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS NETWORK Activities|Comments Off on Hate Speech and Media Information Literacy (March 2022)